The Best Way to Buy and Sell Dirt Bikes.

A central marketplace curated for the dirt bike community. Built For Riders, By Riders.
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Why sell your dirt bike on MX Locker?
Listing my bike on MX Locker was so easy. I ended up selling my Yamaha in less than 12 hours. Finally the best service for selling a dirt bike within the motocross community.
Seth Martin
The new dirt bikes for sale section on MX Locker is amazing! I sold my race bike in just under 48 hours through the location finder and it was a simple and easy process! MX Locker is the Zillow of Dirt Bikes.
Justin Starling
MX Locker is the go to place when we have our race bikes for sale at the end of the season. Their site and app puts our bikes in front of the right audience, and they usually sell within a couple days of posting!
AJE Motorsports

Asked Questions

Am I charged a selling fee when my bike is sold?

No. Bike listings on MX Locker vary in price, from $0 to $49.99. The price you pay for a listing will include the basic package, plus any additional enhancements you might choose. You may enhance your listing by having it featured to gain more exposure. The listings on MX Locker are the only cost for listing a dirt bike for sale, and there is zero seller fee when your bike sells.

Is the dirt bikes for sale section local?

Yes! The dirt bikes for sale section was built to promote local sales! Users can use the list view or map view to find dirt bikes for sale in their area.

Do I have to ship my bike?

Most dirt bike sales that happen on MX Locker are local. If you and the buyer decide that it is best for the bike to be shipped, that is entirely up to you.

How do I get paid?

All dirt bike sales on MX Locker are handled outside the site between you and the buyer. It is up to your discretion on how you want payment to be received.

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